Files and Folder Structure

Folder Conventions

  • src/content: this is where you would put your content pages as *.mdx files (see Writing content pages).

  • src/content/files: this folder should contain static files that can be referenced within the *.mdx content files. For example SVG files, PDF files, etc.

  • src/images: this folder should contain images that are used within the *.mdx content files. Images in this folder are processed and optimized by Gatsby for lazy loading. Supported image formats are JPEG and PNG.

  • static: this folder should contain files that do not need to be processed by Gatsby and will be served as-is. See Gatsby static folder.
    Note that any .html file that is referenced as a link within the *.mdx content files is opened as a "static" HTML link, so when clicking on it the browser opens the link as a normal page.

  • static/downloads: this folder should contain static files that can be referenced in the links within the *.mdx content files. All links starting with /downloads will be rendered as "static" HTML links, so when clicking on it the browser opens the link as a normal page.

Special Files

  • src/data/navigation.yaml: this contains the website main navigation links. The structure of the file is a list of chapters as following:

    - chapter-title: This is the title
    beta: false # (optional): will show the beta flag next to the chapter title
    pagination: false # (optional) hides the prev/next content pagination at the bottom of the pages in this chapter. Use for non-linear content like reference documentation.
    - title: The first page
    path: '/chapter-1/first-page'
    beta: false # (optional): will show the beta flag next to the page title
    - title: Another page
    path: '/chapter-1/another-page'
    # another page, and so on...
    - chapter-title: {} # another chapter, and so on...